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Seasonal Depression: 4 Actionable Tips to keep you Happy and Healthy

Your number one weapon against seasonal depression is awareness: awareness of when you need to rest, what kinds of foods your body wants and when to say no.
This winter, beat the blues and enjoy the weather. Image of a woman blowing snow from her hands.

White as far as the eye can see, clouds of breath in cool, crisp air, evergreen trees layered in soft white. Rosy cheeks, warm lattes, cozy sweaters, and stories shared around the fire.

Winter is a time for all of these things and more.

This blog post is about how to tackle seasonal depression and get the most out of the coming winter months.

During winter, all of nature is resting.

Not a chirp to be heard or dancing tail in sight. Nature has gathered its resources for the season and settled down until spring.

And indeed with such chilly temperatures, snuggling into a blanket is at the top of the list of preferred things to do.

Of course, hibernating for 4-6 months is not possible. You have things to do, people to see and places to go.

So what are some things that you can do to skip seasonal depression and sail through the season?

seasonal depression | Seasonal Depression: 4 Actionable Tips to keep you Happy and Healthy

The first and foremost thing is to be mindful and aware.

Your biggest gift and strongest weapon against seasonal depression is your awareness. Here are some things you need to be aware of.

1. When you might be overextending yourself

Your body sends you signals all the time. One of those is being tired. If you don’t feel like working or doing what you’re doing, then that’s a clear sign that you need to rest. Your body speaks to you in its own language and your job is to listen. Sure, your work is important, but if you fall ill, who will do your work? Lack of rest will make you cranky and irritable, weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to illness and seasonal depression.

2. The kinds of food your body wants

It is normal to eat heavier foods in winter. Gaining weight in winter is not only normal, but beneficial in keeping the body warm. Rest assured that any extra weight will fall right off when spring comes around. That said, it’s important to eat seasonal food. If your body is craving heartier foods, then you should cut down on the routine salad and listen to your body. In the spring and summer, that ratio of heavy food to light food will change again. It’s not natural or optimal to eat the same things year round just because you’re used to it.

3. When you should say no

This one is so important and generally overlooked. If you are feeling down, you don’t need to force yourself to go out, laugh and pretend that socializing is always at the top of your To Do list. It’s okay to want to spend time alone or with just one other person. This doesn’t make you anti-social or any less of a wonderful person to be around. It just means that you respect your boundaries, your body and your mind. That said, it’s also important to be aware of when seasonal depression might be taking hold, if you’ve been cooped up for weeks, it might be time to schedule a date, dress up and get out of your cave.

Operating with this awareness will prevent you from falling ill and ultimately from falling victim to the winter blues.

Depending on where you live, there may be very few hours of sunshine during the day. You may be going to work in the dark, and coming back in the dark. People may be crankier, less friendly and overall more closed up. Don’t take this personally! It is an effect of the season. In the winter, it is almost biologically built-in to want to go inwards, interact less and spend more time alone.

Of course, the modern societal framework encourages us to work year round, so how can you ensure that you remain positive throughout the season?

4 Actionable Tips to Avoid Seasonal Depression

Here are four very simple, actionable tips that build from the awareness that we spoke of above. Modify your daily routine to accommodate these things, and you will sail through the winter season without ever worrying about seasonal depression.

Tip number 1: Incorporate exercise into your morning routine

Yes, you hear it all the time. It’s time to actually do it.

In winter, you have a tendency to contract. Seasonal depression will bring your prana (your life force energy) inwards. This is also why your fingers and toes feel like they’re constantly freezing even though you’re wrapped up in many layers and blankets.

The best way to combat this is to exercise and get your blood moving. Incorporating higher paced yoga (Surya Namaskar) or other cardio exercises into your daily routine is important for regulating your energy, your mind and your emotions.

Tip number 2: Eat heartier and warming foods.

I cannot stress enough how much of an influence food has on your emotions. So this winter season, when you get the craving to eat more, skip the snacks and appease your cravings instead with heartier meals, root vegetables, and warming spices. Click for a list of ayurveda-approved, supportive winter foods and other winter routines.

With the right diet, your body will be happier and much more able to keep your internal temperature stable.

Your emotions will be more positive as a result of your nourishing diet and you’ll be less susceptible to cold and more willing to go out for some winter fun.

seasonal depression | Seasonal Depression: 4 Actionable Tips to keep you Happy and Healthy

Again, awareness here is important. It’s important not to overdo it with heating spices as this may cause you to overheat. If you feel like you don’t need a jacket to go outside in freezing weather, you may be overdoing it!

Have the right amount at the right time.

Tip number 3: Spend time with loved ones.

Seasonal depression and the winter blues stem very much from feeling isolated.

Have the intention to spend quality time with your loved ones. Carve out space in your busy schedule to spend time with family, friends and/or colleagues — basically anyone that you feel comfortable and at home with. This will leave you feeling happier and fuller (emotionally) as winter descends.

It is this feeling of being loved and cared for that will ultimately keep you positive and upbeat this winter season.

Tip number 4: Drink plenty of fluids.

During winter, the air element is prominent in the atmosphere. This gives winter its cold and dry nature. Additionally, the laws of the universe decree that things go from high concentration to low concentration: hot becomes cold, highly concentrated becomes dilute and wet becomes dry.

Similarly, you and I, being warm sacks of fluid tend to lose that heat and fluid to the cold, dry atmosphere in winter. Your body is inextricably related to your energy and emotions, so it’s important to take care of both your physical and mental health.

To combat the dryness that winter can bring, use this an excuse to drink extra warm water and spiced teas.

Keep your internal moisture levels ideal and your skin will glow with health and life this winter season.

Incorporate these four things into your daily routine and before you know it, the snow will be melting, trees will be budding and birds will be singing you good morning. You’ll have skipped seasonal depression without a hitch and be ready for spring.

seasonal depression | Seasonal Depression: 4 Actionable Tips to keep you Happy and Healthy
Picture of Parm Saggu

Parm Saggu

Hey, I'm Parm! I help people who long for a deeper meaning in life but feel caged by societal expectations to break free, uncover the secrets of life, and forge a path to be the difference they want to see in the world.

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