Break Free of Societal Expectations

Start with exclusive wisdom, candid life lessons and guidance from Parm on how to get out of the dark place you're in.

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You know something is missing but don't know what it is. You've tried everything to find fulfillment. You've looked for it in your career, studies, relationships, family, friends, travel and experiences. At the end of the day, you're still stuck at square one with no where to go.

I get it. I've been there and it was only when I made radical changes in my life that I started to find my way.

Now, I mentor millennials who long for a deeper meaning in life but feel caged by societal expectations to break free, uncover the secrets of life, and forge a path to be the difference they want to see in the world.

parm saggu

Our Approach

Find Inner Peace and Freedom through yoga, meditation, breath work and ancient wisdom.
When I worked with Parm I felt more calm and in control, not as lost or afraid that my life was passing me by or that I was stuck in this dark hole and couldn’t get out. I worked out more, meditated, and enjoyed yoga for essentially the first time. I felt supported with Parm along for the ride and she was there for me every step of the way.
Summer Hasan

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Dear students and spiritual seekers,Due to unforeseen circumstances, Parm's Yoga Studio will no longer be offering in-person classes at 79 Bramsteele Road in Brampton.We will continue to offer classes online while we search for a new location.We thank you for your patience during this transition period.With gratitude,
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We're so excited to share that we're now offering Prenatal Yoga Classes!These classes are for you if you're trying to conceive, already pregnant or postpartum.In this period of your life when it feels like everything is changing so fast and nothing is in your control anymore, take time out to pamper YOU.Give yourself the gift of peace through gentle stretches, breath work and meditation.Comment PRENATAL for more information.#prenatalyogaclasses #onlineprenatalyoga #prenatalyoga #prenatalyogaonline #prenatalyogaclassesonline #onlineyogaclasses #onlineprenatalyogaclasses #prenatalcare #onlineprenatalclasses #prenatalonlineclasses
Happy New Year!This year, we're doing things a little differently and we're so excited for you to be part of this journey.For the next little while, we're offering a New Year's Special - 2 weeks of unlimited yoga for just $45!This is a limited time offer and it's only available to new students at the studio.If you've been on the fence for a while now, this is your sign to start your yoga practice!Purchase with the link in bio.--#bramptonyoga #yogabrampton #bramptoncanada #bramptonontario #bramptonontariocanada #canadayoga #onlineyoga #spiritualyoga #yogaforthesoul #reconnectwithyourself #intuitiveyoga #meditationclassonline #meditationclass #meditationbrampton


Yes! Yoga is not about crazy postures and flexibility. Yoga postures are meant to be gentle stretches that relax the body and bring your mind to stillness.

Peace is your natural state. It is obscured by thoughts, emotions and memories that haven’t been processed and released. Meditation, yoga and breathing techniques will help you release anything and everything that stands between you and your inner peace.

Feeling stuck in your head is the result of having too many thoughts. The practice of yoga is designed specifically to reduce the restlessness of the mind and bring it back to stillness. With just a few minutes of breath work and yoga postures, you’ll be able to still the mind and function at your best.

While meditating you shouldn’t be focussing on anything. Meditation is deep relaxation. If your mind is unsettled, it means that you need to get rid of that restlessness before sitting to meditate. To get rid of the restlessness start your practice with yoga postures and breathing techniques.

A balanced life is one in which you flourish mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. An excess or imbalance in any of these areas can lead to feeling unfulfilled and stagnant in life.

No. To be spiritual, you do not need to become a hermit and live in the mountains away from society. You can indulge in worldly pleasures as long as you do not become attached to them and chase after them. This attachment will hinder your progress on the spiritual path.

Even though you might not feel like it, this is a very good place to be in. You are starting to realize that true happiness and fulfillment does not come from the world around you but instead from within. At this stage, you are ready to begin your inward journey.

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