The 5 Vrittis – How to Live in the Present Moment
The 5 vrittis or modulations of the mind keep you away from the present moment. By overcoming them, you will be able to rest in the now.
Vedic literature shares everything about everything. In this blog, Parm translates ancient wisdom into a modern, digestible format, shares her journey and sheds light on all aspects of the spiritual journey.
The 5 vrittis or modulations of the mind keep you away from the present moment. By overcoming them, you will be able to rest in the now.
Life is cyclical and it’s your karma that keeps you stuck in the cycle of life and death. To reach moksha, you must burn the seeds of all your karmas.
A yogic diet is a diet conducive to spiritual growth and self-realization. It goes beyond what you eat and includes everything you interact with day to day.
The panchakosha theory was formulated with the single purpose of helping you approach and finally answer the soul-searching question: “Who am I?”
What is prana? Prana is the life force energy that animates your body. Your emotional, mental and physical states depend on the level of prana in your system.
Learn where negative thoughts and emotions come from, the effect they have on your day-to-day life and how to manage these intruders in your daily life.
What is the purpose of life? Is it more than just eating, sleeping and working? The answer to this mystery lies in samadhi, the eighth and final limb of yoga.
Practising dhyana or meditation brings about deep healing, erases impressions on the mind and brings you back to your authentic self.
Dharana is one-pointed focus and developing dharana leads to skill in action, presence of mind and deeper meditations.
Pratyahara is letting go of the desire for sense pleasures – whether it’s food, alcohol, drugs, sex, etc. – and allowing yourself to rest.
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