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Spiritual Awakening Stage 4: On the Path

You are a Sincere Seeker

| Stage 4 - On the Path

Congratulations on making it this far!

You’ve passed through some of the most challenging parts of your journey and come out on the other side shining!

At this point, you’ve moved through (or are moving through) the darkest part of the Dark Night of the Soul and are approaching the light on the other side.

You might have even found a practice that supports you and perhaps are looking for a community or teacher to guide you, hold you accountable and help you move forward.

Or maybe, your practice has taken you as far as it can and it has led you to the next leg of your journey. Often, gurus and practices take us as far as they can and leave us at the doorstep of the next phase of our journeys.

You are at a place where you’re perhaps seeking a mentor, community or practice to help you continue moving forward.

Either way, you’re in the right place.

At this point of your journey, challenges will continue arising but you will be supported by your practice, your community and your teacher in moving through them.

The most powerful thing you can do at this point is find someone who has been there and done that, soak in their presence and allow grace to do the rest.

| Stage 4 - On the Path

My name is Parm and I’m the owner and founder of Parm’s Yoga – your number one source of authentic spiritual wisdom on the internet.

After being on this journey for most of my life, I can tell you that the hardest part of your journey is past and life is starting to feel lighter day-by-day. There are still challenges but now, you’ll have the tools, wisdom and understanding you need to overcome them without batting an eyelash.

I’ve put together an email sequence with lessons from my own journey, resources and guides to help you move forward on this path with ease and grace.

On my journey, I tried everything under the sun to help me manage the feelings inside me, so that you don’t have to waste time experimenting. In the resources I’ll be sharing with you, I’ve included all the things that worked and left out everything that didn’t.

Consider this to be your shortcut to Purpose, Peace of Mind and Deeper Meaning in Life.

Next Steps

We've sent you a copy of your results and over the next few days, we'll be sending you free resources, guidance and proven practices to help you gain a deeper understanding of this journey and move forward intentionally on the spiritual path.

If you don't see an email from us, check your spam folder. If it's not there either, send us a message here.

To make sure you always get our emails directly to your inbox in the future, save info [@] to your contact list.

Next Steps

To receive free resources, guidance and proven practices to help you move forward on the spiritual path, you need to verify your email address right now. If you've already confirmed your email address once, don't worry about confirming it again and instead check your inbox for an email from me.

If you don't see it, check your spam folder. If it's not there either, send me a message here.

To make sure you always get my emails directly to your inbox in the future, save info [@] to your contact list.

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