Reconnect with your
Authentic Self

Soothe the Body, Mind and Soul with this Free Yoga Class!

This is for you if...


In this class you will:

  • Dive into the ancient waters of yoga

    Yes, yoga is more than just postures. It's not about how amazing your backbend is or how great you look in your active wear. Yoga is about stilling the mind and finding stillness in the chaos. I'm going to guide you through the process of bringing your mind back to centre and keeping it there.

  • Still the mind and body via gentle breathing techniques

    Who knew that the thing we overlook the most is the one thing that has the potential to literally change your life? I certainly didn't. In this 30 minute session, I'll show you the secret strength of your breath.

  • Activate your para-sympathetic nervous system to bring rest and relaxation to your system

    Stress can do more than keep you awake at night. It'll creep deep into your muscles and become the cause of so many problems in life. This yoga practice will help you move into those deep spaces where you've never ventured and work through the stress you didn’t know you were still holding on to.

  • Experience deep yogic rest

    Twenty minutes of yogic rest is said to be the equivalent of 4 hours of deep sleep. In this session, you'll get a glimpse of the unparalleled peace and renewal this practice brings your body, mind and soul.


Meet Your Instructor

Hey there,
My name is Parm.

free yoga class | Free Yoga Class

I'm the owner and founder of Parm's Yoga.

Not too long ago, I was exactly where you are today, not knowing if I was living or just existing. It seemed that my say in my life was getting smaller and smaller as time passed on.

All of my decisions were influenced by what I was supposed to do, or what was proper of a young lady my age.

No one seemed to take into account what I wanted to do with my time.

No matter how much I gave, it was never enough. I was never enough.

All of that changed when I found yoga.

Yoga empowered me to take charge of my life and my time. It showed me that it is possible to live the life of my dreams AND have the blessings of everyone around me.

My yoga practice has brought me to a place where I am grounded enough to help you create space for all the things you love and live a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

What my Clients Say

Parm’s Yoga knowledge is very deep and you can experience it during the classes. Her yogic Postures sequence progressively will take you in to a relaxed and balanced state of mind. Her classes worth a try.
Dev Kumar
Technical Consultant
Parm is one of my favorite instructors. She easy, gentle, & effortless. Always great learning more about the art of yoga from such a knowledgeable teacher.
Drew Giles
Creative Producer
Parm guided me in getting back on track with my yoga practice. Her easy going mannerism, and versatile teaching style was easy to follow and adapt to my practice. She was able to help me attain my goals by demonstrating easy steps for me to follow. My experience with Parm was nothing short of invigorating and motivational!!! Thanks Parm, looking for to more sessions with you!!! N.K.
Neena Kalsi


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Listen, I know you have a million things to do and only 24 hours each day to do them.

I know that it's easy to skip out on self care and just do it next time.

I also know that next time never comes.

It's time to make a change.

You've compromised with yourself too many times. It's time to put an end to that.

Commit 30 minutes to this practice and experience the peace and centredness that is possible for you.

It is from this space, and this space alone, that life will begin to flow.

So take my hand, and let's get going.


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