You feel stuck in life.
You followed the path that was laid out to you and did everything you were supposed to and more. You give your 100% in your work and have a great friend circle, a thriving social life, a beautiful family and a beautiful home.
So why isn’t it enough? What are you doing wrong? Why are you stuck in life?
There are deep reasons for this and this feeling isn’t something that you can snuff out of existence. You know because you’ve tried.
Work, travel, spending time with your friends and family, going out for drinks, partying, movies and living the fast life has done nothing to make this feeling go away. The feeling of being stuck in life might’ve even gotten stronger.
This message, this restlessness, this feeling of stagnation comes from your intuition. Your intuition is that deep, inner knowing. It’s the gut feeling that tells you when something is very, very wrong.
So, what’s wrong?
Why are you stuck in life?
Let’s take a look at your story.
You spend 40 hours or more every week giving your all to your work.
It was hard to get where you are today.
You studied hard for a good chunk of your life. Then, you went out and searched relentlessly until you got a good job that could sustain you and your lifestyle. Throughout this time, you had relationships and you ended relationships. Nothing extreme or out of the ordinary has really happened to you.
You had the time and space to achieve your goals. So you did. You wove your dream life and are sustaining it with your dream job.
So why do you still feel so stuck in life?
You feel stuck in life because you know there’s so much more out there for you. You know that you have so, so much more to offer the world than you currently are and your current job is just that — it’s just a job. It doesn’t align with your life purpose. You know that and I know that.
And what is your life purpose? What is the point of it all?
That’s the million dollar question. And if someone could just make it clear what the point of everything is, you’d know exactly what to do to get out of this rut. It would be easy.
But, let’s be real. No one is going to give you the answers that you seek. And even if they did, you probably wouldn’t be satisfied.
This is a question that you have to find the answer to. No one can answer this question for you.
Your life purpose is unique to you and until you can accept that what you’ve spent your entire life working on doesn’t make you happy, you won’t be able to take the next step.

You won’t be able to accept that your beautiful home is just a place where you put your stuff.
Nor that your stuff is just stuff. It’s nice, but it doesn’t go beyond that. It doesn’t give you deep rooted satisfaction.
So, what will give you deep rooted satisfaction?
You will find contentment when you find yourself.
When you embrace the spiritual awakening that is underway, listen to your inner voice and acknowledge what it’s saying, you’ll be that much closer to finding the answers that you seek.
Maybe you’re used to drowning out that voice with social media, drinking, travelling and working. And maybe it’s scary to sit down and listen to what that voice has to say; how do you even begin to deal with all of the things you’ve been holding inside?
The only reason that you drown it all out is because it’s difficult to listen to.
This is where mindfulness, yoga and meditation come in. Yoga is a tried and true method that has been used for thousands of years to stop overthinking and take the mind inward — to start to swim toward that deep, comforting place that is inside each and every single one of us.
You don’t have to travel this path alone but you do have to move your feet.
Your growth and your advancement on this path is dependent on the steps that you take and I can’t promise that it’ll be easy but I can promise that you will never be alone and that at the end you’ll receive more than you could ever have asked for.
Start your practice today.
The path is long but what you long for, longs for you and only you can take those steps forward.
Nothing else has worked and now the answer is staring you right in the face.
You have suffered enough.
It’s time to come home and rest.