Embracing Chaos and Going with the Flow
Going with the flow is letting go of control and embracing the chaos of life. To truly let go, you have to learn to trust the universe’s plan for you.
Vedic literature shares everything about everything. In this blog, Parm translates ancient wisdom into a modern, digestible format, shares her journey and sheds light on all aspects of the spiritual journey.
Going with the flow is letting go of control and embracing the chaos of life. To truly let go, you have to learn to trust the universe’s plan for you.
Practice of the five niyamas frees you from sorrow and suffering. You will experience peace and joy and reconnect with your Higher Self.
The five yamas are about treating others the way you’d like to be treated.. But why should you follow this golden rule if no one else does?
Getting sick and robbed was the proverbial slap in the face I needed to turn off cruise control and learn how to live in the present moment.
Releasing stress and trauma in the body must be done proactively. The ancient practice of yoga is specifically designed for this exact purpose.
Change doesn’t happen overnight. The most sustainable changes in my life came from continuously putting myself out there in baby steps.
On the outside, my first step into the unknown was buying a one-way ticket to Peru. On the inside, it was leaving behind my entire way of life.
The search for more is characterized by knowing that you’re searching for something but not knowing who or what you’re searching for.
Self-limiting beliefs are like sunglasses: when on, the entire world appears dark. When removed, you can see and interact with the world with clarity.
This post is about breaking the mould of societal expectations, social conditioning and indoctrination in your life so you can find true happiness.
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